syl·la·ble /ˈsiləb(ə)l/ noun a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are two syllables…
syl·la·ble /ˈsiləb(ə)l/ noun a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are two syllables…
Creating Character in Coxswains Through the Full Embrace of the Pursuit of Their Craft “Coxing is a role of importance and leadership, unmatched in sport. It is a job that…
“No one wants to row with jerks… in the end, the only thing you get to takeaway from the whole [rowing] experience, is your character” – Dan Gilbert In this…
Beating Paralysis Through Analysis. Focusing on Process Over Outcome As we often talk about in rowing, you can overthink the rowing stroke, you can overthink your training, you…
Our coach loved 15-minute pieces in a 5,4,3,2,1 structure starting at an 18 rating – we did them all the time – and I was in for another day of…
There is good silence, like the beat of rest in a well-executed call, and there is bad silence. Bad silence not only vacuums coxing from your brain, it erases the…
“Brighton……..Brighton, way’nuff please!” the megaphone crackled. “Brighton Coxie, I’d like to speak to you.” I didn’t know what the referee wanted, but I knew if a USRowing referee wants to…
The Feet Out Drill (feet out of the foot straps), will help promote proper technique and greater efficiency throughout your rowing stroke. Coach Walton shows us how to do feet out…
These three pause drills (finish pause, arms away pause, and body over pause) will help promote proper technique and greater efficiency throughout your rowing stroke. Coach Walton shows us how to…
These two staple drills, the “pick drill” and “feet out drill” will help promote proper technique and greater efficiency throughout your rowing stroke. Coach Walton shows us how to do these…
Click Photo or click HERE to read the article Coaching for the Future to Find Success in the Present – article by Mike Wallin “Remember, these are 15-18 year old…
Coach Walton starts by showing us bad technique, disconnecting the core at the catch, pressing the legs, and leaving the handle behind at the front end. He then goes on…
Coach Walton starts by showing us bad technique, laying back too far with the body at the finish. He then goes on to detail three drills which help correct the…
Lunging at the Catch Coach Walton starts by showing us bad technique, lunging with the body and diving into the catch. He then goes on to detail two drills which…
Coach Walton starts by showing us bad technique, lifting with the body and overusing the back out of the catch. He then goes on to detail two drills which help…
Coach Walton starts by showing us bad technique, grabbing with the arms at the catch and overusing the biceps. He then goes on to detail three drills which help correct…
Coach Walton discusses the value of keeping and updating your athlete training journal.
If you are interested in rowing in college, you not only need to be of a high athletic standard, you also need to be of a certain academic standard as…
Coach, Luke Walton discusses anxiety in training and racing. Luke covers how and why anxiety/worry creep into our psyche, how it results in “paralysis through analysis,” and how taking action…
At the 2019 Head of the Charles Regatta, Rower Academy caught up with Ed and Susie Piegza, whose sons (a Cornell Lightweight Alum and a current Penn Heavyweight) both worked…
A conversation with Rower Academy Coach and Founder, Luke Walton about the secret to rowing success and how being consistent, managing expectations/emotions, and limiting the damage on the “bad days”…
Rower Academy caught up with 2008 Olympian (Bronze Medalist), Coach, Mentor, and Hudson Boat Works Team Member, Dan Walsh at the 2019 Head of the Charles Regatta. The video captures…
A conversation with Rower Academy Coach and Founder, Luke Walton about the college rowing recruiting process, the hang ups athletes often face during the process, and how best to create…
A message from our Founder, Luke Walton “Something I have learned over my years: Not everyone will share a common vision or belief in your life goals. And, as it…
“In response to the successes of the regional Summer Olympic Development Programs, USRowing is offering weekend-long ODP Regional Mini-Camps this fall and winter that will be hosted in five regions around…
While you are on a campus visit, consider asking questions about these topics to learn more about the school, athletics program, and life on campus. You also can get suggestions…
The NCAA recruiting process has a language that’s almost all its own. To help you better navigate the unique terminology of the recruiting process, Rower Academy has provided you with…
2019/20 DI, DII, DIII Recruiting Calendars NCAA member schools limit recruiting to certain periods during the year. Recruiting calendars promote the well-being of college-bound student-athletes and ensure fairness among…
If you want to row in college, at the bare minimum, you will need to be deemed eligible to do so by the NCAA. The NCAA recently updated and published…
The NCAA just released its updated 2019-20 NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete. Click the picture or the link below to access the full 40 page PDF. Learn more about the NCAA,…
The NCAA is comprised of three divisions (Division I, Division II, and Division III), “created in 1973 to align like-minded campuses in areas of philosophy, competition, and opportunity.” As a…
At the front end of the rowing stroke, the goal is to achieve a quick catch. Too often, rowers hear the word “quick,” and replace it with the word “hard.”…
If tension in your hamstrings, glutes, and low back prevents you from achieving the body over position after the finish, you can be sure that you will not be rowing…
The ACT is a nationally administered, standardized paper-and-pencil test that helps colleges evaluate candidates. Further, the ACT (and/or SAT) is an NCAA eligibility requirement for any high school student athlete who…
The SAT is a nationally administered, standardized paper-and-pencil test that helps colleges evaluate candidates. Further, the SAT (and/or ACT) is an NCAA eligibility requirement for any high school student athlete who…
Rower Academy is always working hard to bring you the best resources to assist you in becoming even more educated about the various Colleges and Universities and their rowing programs….
The founder of RA, Luke Walton, is not only a 2004 Olympic Rower but a proven coach of High School Athletes. He has equipped countless students with the athletic skillset…
If you do not complete a stroke to the very best of your ability, then you can be sure the next stroke will be compromised. Chasing strokes (i.e. rushing to…
These pieces are to be completed at the designated rating. Each stroke rating is held for 1000m. When shifting up, push a little stronger with the legs and allow a…
Market Watch ran a story on Nov 7, 2018, entitled “Here are the best sports for a college scholarship.” The story featured Patrick O’Rourke, a certified public accountant in Washington,…
This is a relatively straight forward concept. The machine and the boat only register effort across the horizontal plane. Therefore, any body movement that manifests in energy being sent to…
Steady state pieces, holding between 18-22 Strokes per min. Work to make the stroke as connected and strong as possible. Focus on suspending between the feet and handle. Rowing is…
No matter how strong your arms are, they are not stronger than your legs and core. As such, the majority of the force, power, and speed achieved during the drive…
Three 3k pieces, with the intention of going as quickly as possible across the distance. 24 strokes per minute is tricky, and this workout has a tendency to blow athletes…
Achieving the body over position, before releasing the knees and sliding towards the catch, ensures that the body is in the strongest position to take the catch and will also…
‘Pac-12 Sports Report’ reveals Men’s and Women’s All-Century Rowing teams Press Release, May 10, 2016: “The teams, comprised of 22 rowers and 3 coxswains, were voted on by a panel…
#WorkoutWednesday Steady state pieces, at 18-20 strokes per minute. Aim to row a consistent split on both pieces, one that you can hold at 18-20 strokes per minute. Efficiency is…
6k Prep. 30 minutes light steady state means 30 min light steady state. Whatever your traditional steady state split, take 2-3 seconds off it and focus on mechanics and efficiency….
Good posture is extremely important in rowing. Good posture comes from a solid CORE and good FLEXIBILITY. It may sound a little too simplistic, but your ability/inability to touch your…
4k pieces, with the intention of going as quickly as possible across the distance. 24 strokes per minute is tricky, and this workout has a tendency to blow athletes up….
Assuming you have achieved a solid body over position after the finish of the stroke and before you begin traveling up the slide to the catch, you then release the…
#WorkoutWednesday with #RA Steady state pieces, at 18-20 strokes per minute. Aim to row a consistent split on both pieces, one that you can hold at 18-20 strokes per minute. Efficiency is…
At the front end of the rowing stroke, you must allow the blade to bury and allow yourself to feel connection with the boat (pressure against feet and handle) before…
RA founder, Luke Walton (pictured above) after the Cambridge v Oxford Boat Race loss in 2006. In Luke’s own words: “We lost to a worthy opponent that day. This picture…
Being recruited to row in college requires more than an impressive 2k score. You’re called a “Student Athlete” (with the word “Student” first) for a reason. And performance metrics other…
Tension is a boat speed killer. Tension that starts in your hands will travel up the arms and manifest in locked down shoulders and neck. Once the tension sinks into…
USRowing’s Under 19 National Team represents the U.S. at the World Rowing Junior Championships each year. USRowing selects, trains and manages the teams that represent the U.S. in international competition,…
Getting started with your recruiting process can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to the NCAA. Knowing when and where to start and which steps need to be taken along…
The Eight Participating Ivy League Institutions (with links to their Admissions Departments) Brown University Harvard University Columbia University University of Pennsylvania Cornell University Princeton…
Our Founder, Luke Walton (pictured in seven seat above), delivered this speech to the current oarsman, parents, and alumni as the guest speaker at the annual Cal Crew Heavyweight Men’s…
If you want to row in college, creating an account with the NCAA Eligibility Center is the first step to becoming an NCAA student-athlete. DIVISION I OR IIYou will need…
Rowing is a push and hang sport. Not a pull sport. A good rowing stroke is dominated by the legs (which initiate the drive phase out of the catch) and the…
When it comes to rowing in college, getting recruited to the school of your choice is the goal. The recruiting process is complex, directed largely by the student-athlete and his/her…